5 Essential Web Design Trends For 2015


Web design is an important element in online marketing and lead generation. In the past year, several trends have emerged in web design.

Some modern day trends that have been revolutionized are parallax effects, single-page websites and decreased manual coding, and the evolution of Content Management System (CMS).

As new trends emerge every now and then, web designers must constantly adapt to these dynamic changes to make sure your Melbourne Florida website design is staying up to date and adapting to new trends.

Rise of Responsive Design

A few years ago, creating a “responsive” website meant developing a site that is coded to be displayed properly on smartphones, tablets and desktops. However, the meaning of “responsive design” has expanded rapidly to include devices such as smart watches, home appliances and TVs.

In 2015, the smart device market is expected to expand and web designers will have to adapt to new techniques that will ensure that sites are easy to navigate and content is sized appropriately.

Responsive website designs will be a very important element in web design in the following year because it will allow websites to detect the screen size of the device and adjust accordingly to fit that particular size. Although responsive design was a trend in the past, it may grow from a trend to a new norm in the future.

Mobile Design

In the last few years, more people have been using mobile devices to access the internet. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, web design has continued to move towards the direction of an enjoyable and effective mobile experience.

As a result, many web designers are increasingly using scrolling instead of clicking. Scrolling allows the user to have a dynamic interaction with the website because it is intuitive, easier to use and it reduces load time.

In fact, many businesses are adjusting to single-page scroll to enhance the mobile experience. The popularity of mobile devices will continue to increase and this will directly influence the web design trend. More and more websites will adapt mobile friendly designs.


Traditionally, web designers would stick to simple and cheap web-type kits (e.g. Arial and Times New Roman) for both print and web. This was due to the fact that beautiful and high-quality typefaces and fonts were expensive and often required large budgets.

In consequence, small businesses and WordPress users could not enjoy the benefits of high-quality fonts. However, this has changed and type kits are now available at reasonable prices or at no cost if you opt for Google Fonts.

This means that web designers have more freedom to use their desired typography skills in web design. In addition, WordPress users are able to make stylish designs in their themes by taking advantage of typographic flexibility. In 2015, designers will continue to create responsive structures and images as well as implement responsive typography.


Large images were out of the picture in traditional web design because of limited bandwidth. However, bandwidth is no longer a problem and designers are using large images to express their ideas online.

Imagery will take center stage in web design as designers try new techniques for optimizing images, responsive resizing and extracting dominant colors in the background. Some of the major trends will be to use text overlay to market ideas to users and to use images as backgrounds.

Decline of Coding

Web development has always been a process with two main stages. The first stage involved designers who created the look and feel of the website while the second stage involved the coders who turned the designers’ dreams into reality.

Web design tools have become more ambitious, smarter and more capable thereby changing the web development process. Currently, designers can use graphic design software to develop websites without necessarily using a single line of coding.

This paradigm shift will continue and it will allow more and more web designers to join the industry in the new year because the barrier of entry (in this case coding) has been lowered/reduced. This trend will not compromise the quality of work as designers will continue developing professional and modern websites for their customers.

Web design techniques and tools will continue to evolve to adapt to the dynamic changes in the web design sector. Web designers will transform some of their ideas into trends and these trends will become new norms. Websites which fail to adapt to these trends will face numerous challenges which could lead to their eventual deaths.