Five Important Guidelines To Simplify Your Web Design Process


A simple website design has to do a lot with giving more focus to the essential elements required in a web site and doing away with unnecessary graphics and color combinations and unwanted web pages.

By following certain guidelines, one would be able to achieve simplicity in web design. If you have been looking for information on proven ways to simplify web design process, the information provided here in the form of five proven ways to simplify web design would be extremely useful.

We are one such web design company in Florida that uses these principles to come out with a simplistic Melbourne Fl web design.

Identifying elements critical to the site functionality

Some designers might find this to be very trivial as they might feel that they have been always focusing on the important elements. But in reality, many web sites have been found to be guilty of leaving out the main elements and instead giving more importance to the fringe elements like color combinations and text formatting.

Is there any thumb rule to arrive at the critical elements required for a website? The answer is yes. The famous Pareto rule of 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the defects, can be extended to identifying the important areas. Web designers should focus on only 20% of the website elements that would give 80% of the overall value to the end users visiting the site.

By applying the 80:20 principle, web designers can sustain the interest of the incoming traffic and make the incoming web users to browse through all the pages in the web site. The 80:20 rule would help the designers to trim down on the unwanted web elements and focus on what is required to provide additional value to the website visitors. That 20% can be one among

i. A good webpage content with correct grammar

ii. Including a sign up form

iii. Integration with social media like Facebook and LinkedIn

iv. Including useful tutorial videos that can educate the visitor

v. Including Call-to-action button

Web designers can easily monitor the effectiveness of this strategy by looking at the number of users subscribing to the website services through the sign up form.

Keeping the number of web pages to the required minimum level

Web designers have to do away with the unwanted pages that distract the attention of the user from the core services provided by the website. Either the pages have to be removed or can be included in a single page instead of having it on separate pages. One way to do this to arrive at the navigational menu items in the home page that really serve the purpose.

Doing away with unwanted Web Elements

By using the 80:20 principle, web designers can arrive at the unwanted elements that need to be scrapped. These elements fall in to the category of 80% of the web elements that give 20% value to the user. These elements can be the meta details related to a blog such as the date of creation, number of comments and author profile and unwanted widgets and links that distract the attention of the customer from the main element.

Putting the maximum content in the top section of a page

Various web user behavior studies reveal that the users would like to see the important elements of the website in the default screen space without the need to scroll to the bottom of a page. The more the user scrolls down a page, higher are the chances of user leaving the page. Hence it is important to include the main elements and call to action elements in the screen default area.

Using fewer color schemes

Instead of going for twenty to thirty color combinations, web designers can opt for three to four colors at the maximum to give a simplistic look and feel to the web site.

Call Tight Line Productions today and learn how we can help you with your web presence.