Information You Must Know About Responsive Designs


People today have a lot of options when it comes to the device they use for browsing the internet. They could go online with their laptop, desktop computer, tablet and smartphone. This poses a big challenge to website designers.

The solution to this is a responsive web design. This approach to creation of websites makes the site automatically adjust or respond to the device that views it. This has become the trend today especially since businesses want to cater as many market segments as possible. Continue reading to learn how this approach could affect your web design in Melbourne Florida.

What does it look like?

The aim of responsive web design is to have a website that could respond to different devices which would view it. Here is the common scenario before. When a website is viewed on a desktop computer, it would look perfect and professional. However, when viewing is done on a different device like a tablet or a mobile phone, which have smaller screens, it distorts the design of the site making it look really awful. Some elements might be hidden or users are forced to do a lot of scrolling.

On tiny smartphones, the problem rises. Large image in a fix website could break its layout. Potential clients do not want to experience this in any business website. With a responsive web design, the website would automatically adjust its display in a manner that would make the site easy to navigate and still readable. On smartphone, the images will resize thus it will not change its layout.

How does it work?

Web designers utilize fluid grids in creating responsive websites. Instead of resizing the elements in a page by pixel, it is done base on proportion. For example, if a site has a three column template, the code will not specify exactly its dimension but rather how wide the column is in relation to other columns. Images are also resized relatively to ensure that it stays in its column or design element.

Responsive Design versus Mobile Design

When it comes to rendering experience, responsive design offers a more flexible solution. It automatically adjusts screen size of any device including its orientation. This happens in a flash. In a mobile design, a server does the work and optimizes the site which is the reason why loading takes a longer time.

On domain protection, responsive design offers a better solution for it keeps your own domain. The only change that will happen is on the code of the website. In mobile design, domain name is change thus affecting search traffic. The responsive design is definitely the better option for websites created on this approach would work for the many years to come in any kind of device where as mobile designs have to be updated frequently in order to work well.

Why businesses need to choose Responsive Web Design

The answer is quite simple. More people are now using their mobile devices to access the internet. The popularity of smartphones and tablets are constantly on the rise and these devices could access the internet with ease.

If you plan to make a change in your business website, Tight Line Productions can help. With all the experts working in the company, your business website would surely get the boost that it needs.