Instagram Video: Is Vine Dead?


On June 20th, 2013, Instagram and Facebook announced the introduction of video feature on Instagram. With the new feature, Instagram users can now record, edit, as well as share fifteen second video clips.

The announcement signaled a huge blow to Vine, which is Twitter’s version of video sharing, which was launched in January and June 2013 for iOS and Android. This is an enormous breakthrough to your Melbourne, Florida social media campaign.

Prior to the announcement, Vine was the most popular video sharing application, boasting an impressive 20 million+ downloads since January. Reports indicate that tweets linking to the Vine videos during the same period were shared on a larger scale than Instagram photos. But the situation is bound to change with the entry of Instagram into the video application market.

First and foremost, Instagram enters the competition with the added advantage of a larger market. This is due to the fact that Instagram allows you to post to the major social media networks; Facebook, Twitter, etc. Moreover, Instagram’s users stand at more than 130 million, and if many of these users take advantage of the new video feature with the enthusiasm with which Twitter follows embraced Vine, the competition will be a stiff one. Although it’s too early to conclude otherwise, the future of Vine does seem threatened with this new announcement.

Another impact will emanate from the extra features on the Instagram application. In comparison to Vine, Instagram permits users to add filters to the videos. Furthermore, Instagram allows video editing, which Vine currently does not support. These features,  in addition to extra 8 seconds give Instagram a major advantage. The more people find these features favorable; the greater the threat to Vine. It’s therefore important for Vine to tread cautiously in any changes they introduce in the near future. A slight wrong move can turn the entire landscape into a disaster.

It’s obvious the entrance of Instagram into the video marketing shifts the competition to its favor. But how can businesses take advantage of these developments? Businesses are already using the Vine platform to share current campaigns, brand information and build a subscriber base. Instagram joins the competition with a marketing advantage given the huge user margins between Vine and Instagram; 13 million users versus 130 million user, respectively. The addition to video to Instagram applications will allow businesses to enhance brand visibility when they change or complement static photos with engaging videos, targeting many social media sites.

In addition, since Instagram is now a property of Facebook, the Instagram photos and videos are relevant and searchable. Searchable content helps marketers monitor trends, enabling creation of globally generated discussions about a business’s events, brands or products with great success.

With the increased number of people flocking video sharing sites, a business can leverage its popularity to connect with a new audience. This is important in today’s era, where demand for creating effective advertising by use of the most current mobile technology is paramount for growth.

The mobile applications have proven that they can compete in the social media arena as mobile only media with excellent results. These applications are taking digital advertising to new heights. Any business that seeks to tap into the immense opportunities in the social media should not be left behind. Contact Tight Line Productions today to see how we can grow your business with social media marketing.