Simple Techniques To Clean Up Your Web Design


Most people assume that a clean website design is similar to a simple web design. There is a difference between these two types of designs.

When you use a simple design, you focus on eliminating non-essential aspects and place a premium on getting your message across. This makes it easy for the content to be the main focus of the site.

Simple web designs tend to be highly functional and practical. On the other hand, a clean design includes some aesthetic aspects. It allows you to refine the elements on your website.

Here are some aspects you need to keep in mind to clean up your Melbourne Fl website design.

Use Colors Strategically

A clean design calls for strategic use of color on your website. For a clean look, you need to select light, neutral colors. These colors will allow the content to be the focus of your website. You do not want to overwhelm visitors to your site with bold colors. A limited palette is also suitable because including a wide variety of colors will shift focus from the message.

Include some limited color splashes to accentuate particular components such as your headings, navigation and logos. Using bold colors on important elements helps to draw user attention. Single, solid shades work between than gradients when you want to create a clean Melbourne fl web design.

Invest in Good, Professional Photography

People are visual, and love photos. Good imagery helps establish a connection between your business and the website visitors. This is why it is important to find quality images. A large number of website visitors judge a site based on the imagery that you include. In most cases, it can break or make your website and you should invest in professional photography.

Consider stock photos with services such as iStockphoto or Thinkstockphotos. Downloading imagery from the internet may seem like an easy way out when you are designing a clean web design but they will provide the visual element that attracts visitors and lowers bounce rates. Original images will capture the website visitors and encourage them to read the content.

Fast Load Times

Waiting for a website to load is one of the most irritating things. A professional web design needs to ensure visitors enjoy fast load times. If your web pages take minutes to load, you are highly likely to lose visitors and this can translate into lower sales. Your web design should ensure that the load time is as fast as possible. Looking into cloud hosting if you have to.

Most website owners tend to compromise on load times in order to include more aesthetic elements, such as JavaScript and jQuery. Site visitors are actually more interested in fast load times and not bold colors. If a website loads fast, a visitor will be able to go through all the sections with ease and they are more likely to be visit again. This makes it easy to convert visitors to customers.

Use Intuitive Navigation

A clean web design includes intuitive navigation to make it easy for visitors to locate information and pages. It’s imperative to have a navigation bar that displays all the titles on the different pages on your website. Internal links are also helpful because they connect visitors to different pages. Intuitive navigation also includes sitemaps especially if your site has several pages.