Web Design: Modern Trends That May Affect Your SEO


When designing a website, every component, from content, such as articles, videos, podcasts, to plugins, navigation and optimization must be addressed singularly, but also in relation to each other.

Every component, no matter how insignificant may appear at first glance, has a tremendous impact on SEO and having a powerful online presence means dealing with each element as good as possible.

Your Melbourne FL web design company strives to provide the best services in a world where the internet is continually evolving and new trends are constantly changing.

Understanding the latest web design trends is essential when building and effective SEO campaign.

Clean Navigation And User Experience

Everyone knows that Google loves a flashy, attractive website and this is because these websites manage to attract a lot of visitors. Also, users stumbling on poorly designed websites tend to quickly get away and most certainly never come back.

These facts are taken into consideration by Google and web designers must adapt their websites accordingly. This is why focusing on an intuitive design and user experience is critical, making your content visible, shareable and attractive to visitors.

Simply put, if your content is stellar but your user experience is lacking, the search engines will overlook your website, visitors will be less, conversions will be lower and your website will slowly die in the depths of the SERPs. Having a clean navigation helps visitors get to any part of the website as quickly as possible, lowering bounce rates and increasing the SEO results.

Parallax Design

The endless scroll was initially seen only on a handful of websites and presented its content on a single, apparently endless homepage. While the concept of a endless scroll, known as parallax design has evolved, there are certain web designers that don’t fully grasp the idea behind it.

The benefits are there and some websites do manage to give their users a unique, immersive user experience, but when done wrongly, the SEO impact can be drastic. The parallax scrolling design feature is popular on both single page websites and multipage ones, but special care must be given on how are they designed. The main risk is to have a website that has multiple keywords spread on only one URL, which is a disaster when it modern day SEO requirements.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile devices are getting more popular than ever and this trend has been in full swing from 2010, when the first tablets were launched. Since then, most websites have been optimized for mobile devices and the ones that overlooked this process, suffer tremendously. For instance, Google has recently started to red flag some websites that are not mobile ready, warning users that they are not compatible for their devices.

This translates into lower traffic and poorer conversions for the website owner. Fortunately, Google has some good news for web designers: mobile websites can be tied up with parent URLs, canceling the need for a separate SEO campaign for each entity.

High Quality Content

As Google has repeatedly stated on numerous occasions, Content is king in the SEO world, and the saying is surely to be around for years to come. Quite simply, content is what makes your website credible and authoritative, it’s the juice that keeps the visitors coming and it is why they are coming back constantly.

Search engines see this and the crawlers get better and better to identify what makes content great. Whether it’s the amount of social media sharing that it gets, the number of words or the freshness, everything matters.

Load Times

Nobody wants a slow website and that is something that Google also believes in. Experts say that Google has incorporated load times as a factor in their search algorithm as early as 2011. It is already well known that Google tracks the load times of websites through their in-house designed browser, Chrome, but also use data from other popular browsers.

When searches are performed, Google ranks websites in the SERPs depending on their load speeds and give a poorer ranking to an otherwise great website, simply because of bad load times. Tips on improving load times are: optimization of the database, simplify the track codes, share buttons and video embedding as well as using the cache option.